Game Designer

L.A.S.E.R Trailer
IGAD Year 1 Student Project
LASER is a Top-Down Party Game, where two teams of two players try and hit each other by reflecting lasers off of mirrors in the environment. Players can select between 2 characters, each with different strengths and weaknesses.
My main role in this project was Level Design, though I would often assist with Gameplay Design and QA, when necessary.
My primary responsibility was to create stages for players.
I worked on this project for four weeks, alongside a team of 12 developers.
Level Design
I worked on creating exciting and diverse gameplay, along with iteration, playtest and polish on all levels.
My Goal was to give each level a unique and memorable feeling.
A large challenge was to find ways in which the combination of Layout, Hazards, and Objectives could bring a unique experience.
To Solve it, I decided to focus on one central moment for each level, and build the rest to reinforce, provide counterplay, and build excitement to that central moment.
Ultimately, the project showed me a realistic view of development. I developed techniques and approaches well suited for making a larger amount of content, rather than one or two, whilst maintaining originality and diversity in gameplay.
Gameplay Design
While developing the level design, I assisted a great deal in developing the gameplay.
My work is most notable in the development of environmental gameplay, such as hazards, mirrors, and level events.
I developed how players should interact with levels, and combined that with how it would affect the overall experience.
Quality Assurance
As I consistently worked on playing levels repeatedly, I became a strong support for the game's QA.
I worked on developing and following a cyclic system, which allowed me to iterate, test, and develop levels and mechanics consistently.
This led to me consistently working alongside programmers to resolve and analyze rising issues.